9 Fragen – ein Thema: Wie digital ist unser Arbeitsalltag? Wie können wir Prozesse vereinfachen? Wie viel Automatisierung ist heute schon möglich? Wie wollen wir unsere Arbeit mit Hilfe neuer Technologien zukünftig gestalten? Wie wird sich die Welt des Digital Working entwickeln?

Host Europe hat 9 Experten aus unterschiedlichsten Bereichen zu ihren Erfahrungen mit der Digitalisierung ihrer Arbeit befragt. Die Bandbreite reicht vom Webdesigner und Frontend-Webentwickler über Developer, Chefredakteure, Data Scientists bis zum Entrepreneur. Erfahren Sie mehr – in unserem Video.

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Perspektiven des Digital Working

Eine Auswahl der wichtigsten Antworten auf unsere Fragen zu den Perspektiven des Digital Working haben wir hier zusammengestellt:

Was ist dein Job und wie lange bist du schon in der digitalen Branche unterwegs?

„I’m based in UK. I call myself I guess a webdesigner. I work for myself. It’s for freelance I guess I worked in the digital industries since 1997. So I have got a while now. I started as a junior webdesigner. And I eventually left than and moved on and worked myself which I have done since 2003 now. So I’m working 13 years on my own. Mostly of producing of frontend design. But also builds for mostly websites predominantly my sort of day to day job. I also run an event in the UK as well. …“

Richard Wiggins, Webdesigner

Was verbindest du mit Digital Work?

“I suppose the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the phrase digital work, for me is remote working. Really for the last 6 years I’ve been able to work remotely. I worked for a German company – Smashing Magazine. Now for a Canadian company – Shopify. And I do all of this from my living room. Just knowing that working digital means I can be anywhere in the world. I organize conferences in several different cities and events all over the place. Digital work for me means I can do this wherever I have a WiFi connection.”

Cat Hunter, Shopify

Wie viel Prozent deiner Arbeit sind heute schon rein digital?

„Meine Arbeit ist eigentlich fast komplett digital. Es anfängt mit Notizen an, die man sich macht und die schon digital erfasst werden, sowie die ganze Planung von Projekten und auch die Umsetzung und die Schritte dazwischen. Inzwischen ist alles digital oder digitalisiert. „

Leonardo Re, Frontend-Webentwickler und Produzent von Imagefilmen

Wie hat sich deine Arbeit durch digitale Tools verändert?

Meine Arbeit würde ohne digitale Tools gar nicht funktionieren, weil ich mit Daten arbeite und diese Daten nur digital vorhanden sind. Und die Datenverarbeitung nur im digitalen Bereich also mit Computern, mit Algorythmen möglich ist. Das heißt: digitale Tools sind also sozusagen der Grund für meine Arbeit und ohne die würde es gar nicht gehen – und mein Job gar nicht existieren.

Matthäus Deutsch, Data Scientist

Wie sieht deiner Meinung nach die Zukunft des digitalen Arbeitens aus?

„The way my work change when I became digital is quite hard to say, because I’ve never worked on something that wasn’t digital. You know, being born in a generation of internet kids, I grew up with the internet. I bought my own ICM-card, when I was 11 years old and just started coding and surfing. And so I never knew life before. Would be interesting to know.“

Paul Bakaus, Developer Advocate at Google

Was gehört deiner Meinung in den digitalen Arbeitswerkzeugkasten von jedem?

“I certainly have some way of communicating  with other people. Skype or some other products. They should certainly have some way of collecting information together in one place with everybody is working on a team. So Slack is a very useful product for that at the moment where people use Basecamp as well.”

Robert Turrall, Technologist

Was kann Ottonormalverbraucher von einem Digital Expert wie dir lernen?

„I guess, I would just encourage people to take the job, to take a plunge, for me as a remote worker. I really found elaborating. It doesn’t have to be lonely. Again, if you found a great way of communication… communicating digitally. If you found something that works for you it doesn’t need to be an isolating experience. So, I would tell you to not be afraid of the idea of digital work. Something that sounds impersonal and not very human, but it’s just a new way of connecting with people. So, don’t be afraid of that and jump in.”
Cat Hunter, Shopify

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Wie sieht deiner Meinung nach die Zukunft des digitalen Arbeitens aus?

„I really believe there will be much more remote working or we may have a situation were people will come together in groups at a location to work on specific project and than disperse again. I’m not just talking about freelancers or contracting. I’m talking about people just do actually physically come together and live and work in an area for a while till the project is finished and then they disperse and go work on the next project. I don’t believe there will be this classic agency or this classic organisation -one company approach.”

Robert Turrall, Technologist

Kannst du uns einen Trick für effizientes digitales Arbeiten verraten?

„So my best trick when it comes to digital work, is probably to work from everywhere. I just have my laptop where I go and I can sit down and get some work done, if I’m on a flight or if I’m in a café. And this is an ability that i had to merge all the time. I had to develop. To not be distracted from almost rumblings. But nowadays I get way more work done, because I’m mobile. So that would be my best recommendation for you. Don’t think about having to have your desk to get work done. You just need a digital surface.“

Paul Bakaus, Developer Advocate at Google


Wolf-Dieter Fiege

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